Tuesday, February 19, 2013

On his 95th birthday, Bob got a cowboy hat, which he loved.
"Now all I need is a horse."
In the early hours of January 31, 2013, Robert Perry Zentner passed away peacefully in his sleep after a week in the hospital, following a long life of stellar health and good spirits. He had turned 95 less than two months before.  

If you want to do something in Bob's memory, please consider making a donation to one of the following: 

•KDFC is a non-profit classical music radio station he listened to every day and simply loved. Their donation form is on-line: http://bit.ly/fQoYfR

•PARG: Bob was an avid ham radio operator and a member of PARG, the Pacific Amateur Radio Guild. For much of his life, he communicated in code with the members regularly. After his death, the members made a special last call to W6UMP and wished him well. Donations to this Guild can be made by sending a check to PARG at 6448 SW Dawn St., Lake Oswego, OR 97035.